2 thoughts on “Going to the woods…

  1. Wait, waitwaitwaitqaitwait, the author of one of my favorite scifi books knows Wausau and the northwoods? Well, I’m flabbergasted. One thing we’ve got up here is scenic beauty. Well, and terrible, terrible cold. That too


    1. I grew up in Milwaukee and have family in Wausau. Yes, there’s scenic beauty, and fish, and cheese… and also the cold. I’ve heard tree trunks in forests crack in subzero temperatures, a snap like a rifle-shot. And seen eagles gather at the open water in the Wisconsin River when other fishing spots were iced up.

      So I set my latest novel, Immunity Index, https://us.macmillan.com/books/9781250317872 , in Wausau, Milwaukee, Madison, and Chicago — places I knew. I couldn’t manage to include Eau Claire Dells, one of my favorite places in the world, but I have jumped off the cliff at the waterfall.

      So you’re up north, Tasha?


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